Filming is underway on series four of critically acclaimed ITV1 detective drama, Grace, starring John Simm as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and based on the best selling novels from globally renowned author, Peter James. Set in Brighton, Grace also sees returning cast members Richie Campbell (Top Boy, Stephen) as DS Glenn Branson, Zo? Tapper (Liar) as Cleo Morey, Craig Par...
- 9.0陪审团十二人第二季
- 4.0探案拍档第四季2024剧情,悬疑,犯罪,海外简介:Filming has begun on the fourth series of popular Bath-based detective drama McDonald & Dodds, starring Tala Gouveia and BAFTA award-winner Jason Watkins. Comprising three feature length films (3 x120), the guest cast for the first story includes Toby Stephens (Lost In Space), singer/songwriter Pixie Lott (The Voice Kids), Lydia Leonard (Gentleman Jack), Daniel Lapaine (Catast...
- 5.0午夜佩拉宫2
- 9.0亿万富鲑岛
- 8.0我们或许会后悔
- 6.0夜游者